New in Pokemon Advance are Pokemon Natures. Natures affect the stats of a Pokemon - for example, a hasty Pokemon will have higher than usual speed. To check the nature of your Pokemon, look under the first screen of the Summary. This table shows the changes to each stat for each different kind of nature, as well as which kind of PokeBlocks they like and dislike.

+ Stat increases by 10%
- Stat decreases by 10%
= Stat does not change

Nature Attack Defense Speed Spec Atk Spec Def Likes Dislikes
Adamant + = = - = Spicy Dry
Bashful = = = = =    
Bold - + = = = Sour Spicy
Brave + = - = = Spicy Sweet
Calm - = = = + Bitter Spicy
Careful = = = - + Bitter Dry
Docile = = = = =    
Gentle = - = = + Bitter Sour
Hardy = = = = =    
Hasty = - + = = Sweet Sour
Impish = + = - = Sour Dry
Jolly = = + - = Sweet Dry
Lax = + = = - Sour Bitter
Lonely + - = = = Spicy Sour
Mild = - = + = Dry Sour
Modest - = = + = Dry Spicy
Naïve = = + = - Sweet Bitter
Naughty + = = = - Spicy Bitter
Quiet = = - + = Dry Sweet
Quirky = = = = =    
Rash = = = + - Dry Bitter
Relaxed = + - = = Sour Sweet
Sassy = = - = + Bitter Sweet
Serious = = = = =    
Timid - = + = = Sweet Spicy

Thanks to Achilles for this info


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