You might find on the Internet the terms "Deter Values" (DVs) and "Individual Values" (IVs). They're essentially the same concept, except Deter Values are normally used for Generation I and II, and Individual Values are used for Generation III onwards. IVs and DVs are values pre-assigned to each of a Pokemon's six stats that determine how high (or low) that stat will be, much like how genes determine height and weight in animals. These, however, should not be confused with Effort Values (EVs).

The difference between Effort Values and IVs is that Effort Values change over time (by battling and with certain items), whereas IVs will never change. When you encounter a wild Pokemon in battle or a PokeEgg is hatched, the game assigns a number from 0 to 31 to each of its stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack and Special Defense) and this number, from now on, will not change. IVs of 31 yield higher stats, while IVs of 0 yield lower stats.

IVs aren't new to the Advance Generations - they've been a big influence in Gold, Silver and Crystal, and while they were present in Red Blue and Yellow, they didn't do much. In GSC, DVs controlled a Pokemon's gender as well as whether it was shiny. In RSE and FRLG, these two characteristics are controlled by a different, hidden value.

Apart from affecting stats, IVs also affect the type and the base damage of Hidden Power.Preferably, have your Pokemon at lv100 with no EVs, or all its EVs. A good time to do this would be to catch a wild Pokemon (who has no EVs) and then use Rare Candies to level it up to level 100, or battle over Wifi with a friend and check your Pokemon's stats.


Psydex's Values My Grumpig's Stats Explanation DV
HP 270 277 The difference in the two values is 7, hence Grumpig's HP DV is 7 7
Atk 95 96 The difference in the two values is 1, hence Grumpig's Attack DV is 1 1
Def 135 142 Grumpig's defense stat is under the influence of a Hasty nature, so it is actually 90% of its true value. Therefore, 142 / 0.9 is 158 (always round up). The difference bewteen 158 and 135 is 23, hence Grumpig's Defense DV is 23 23
Spd 165 203 Grumpig's speed stat is under the influence of a Hasty nature, so it is actually 110% of its true value. Therefore, 203 / 1.1 is 185 (always round up). The difference bewteen 185 and 165 is 20, hence Grumpig's Speed DV is 20 20
Spec Atk 185 202 The difference in the two values is 17, hence Grumpig's Special Attack DV is 17 17
Spec Def 225 247 The difference in the two values is 22, hence Grumpig's Special Defense is 22 22

Putt we find that if my Grumpig used Hidden Power, the base damage would be 53 and it would be of Bug-type.

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